1.6 Tdci Turbo Failure? Here's The Real Cause

Ford, Peugeot, Mini, Volvo 1.6 Tdci Turbo Fault In this article we take a look at the main root cause of turbo failure on the PSA 1.6 Tdci engine. This engine is fitted to a wide variety of manufactures vehicles with Ford, Peugeot, Mini, Volvo and Suzuki to name but a few. A list of just a few of the common models affected are: Ford Focus 1.6 Tdci Peugeot 307 1.6 Hdi Mini Cooper D 1.6 9HX engine Volvo S80 1.6D DRIVe Whilst turbo failure is a common occurrence on this engine, once properly repaired a new turbo should last many thousands of miles. The cause of turbo failure on the 1.6 Tdci engine starts, not with the turbo but instead with carbon build up and the injector seals. Once the carbon builds up in the engine oil it will cause the gauze filter in the turbo oil feed banjo bolt behind the DPF/Exhaust to block and starve the turbocharger of oil. To measure the oil pressure directly at the turbo I made a special adaptor for our oil pressure test kit. Your k...